Polish Goulash (Beef Stew) Recipe

Goulash is another meal borrowed by Poles that became  traditional dish in Polish Cuisine. Goulash is a Hungarian soup but in Poland it is cooked to be more like a thick beef stew.

Goulash (pol. Gulasz) is made of stew Beef, Bell Pepper, Mushroom, Carrot, Onion and Paprika as base ingredients.

In this video recipe, Ula shows how to make Polish Goulash step by step:

1 polish beef stew ingredientsPolish Goulash (Beef Stew) Ingredients:
1. 2 lb Beef, cut in cubes
2. Onion
3. Carrot (1 cup)
4. Red Bell Pepper (1 cup)
5. Mushrooms (1 cup)
6. Garlic (3 cloves)
7. 2 tbsp Tomato Paste
8. Salt, Pepper, Oregano, Cumin, Thyme

9.Olive or oil

10. 2 Tbsp Butter
11. 2 Tbsp Flour
12. 2 Tbsp Paprika
13. (Optional) 1/2 cup cream


  1. In a small bowl mix together 3 cloves minced garlic, 1 Tbsp Salt, 1 Tbsp Pepper and 1 Tbsp Oregano, Cumin, Thyme (#8) and 4 Tbsp Olive Oil. Pour it over meat (#1) and mix well. The best way it to marinade the meat a day before making Goulash but if you don’t have time it might be the same day and put it in the fridge for 1-2h.
  2. Fry marinated beef on preheat oil  in a regular pot and move to pressure cooker and set for 20 minutes. *if you don’t have pressure cooker your meat should cook for about 2-3 hours and should be tender. cooking time depends on meat.
  3. Prepare the veggies: chop the Onion (#2), cut Bell Pepper (#4) and Carrot (#3) in half inch cubes. Cut Mushroom (#5) in quarters or halves.
  4. In the meantime: Add onion to cold oil and heat up, then add Bell Pepper, Mushrooms and Carrots. Simmer on low hear for 10 minutes until juicy.
  5. When beef is ready, add vegetables and tomato paste (#7) and cook for another 10 minutes or until vegetables are soft (especially check for carrot).
  6. Prepare thickening: melt Butter, add Flour, stir until smooth, add paprika and cook on low heat until bubbly. *do not burn as taste will change dramatically :( 
  7. Add to the veggies and meat and cook 1-2 minutes until thickened. 

*If you like the gravy thicker, prepare more thickening  You can do it by using the gravy from the stew and adding some flour to it.

Enjoy! Smacznego!

With Gnocchi (Polish ‘Kopytka’)

gulasz2 kopia






With Potato Pancakes and Polish Traditional Cucumbers in Brine Recipe

 placki ziemniaczane 1 (42) kopia






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25 thoughts on “Polish Goulash (Beef Stew) Recipe

  1. Ula, thank you for making these Polish dishes on videos available. My grandparents have since past on, and I didn’t know where to find authentic dishes to make for a coming picnic at work and I found you. Again, thank you! I’m sure I can find a nice mixture to bring into work.


  2. Dzieki ULA, I am making stew tommorow for my grandparents. They have moved to South Africa to live with us. I am making Goulasz with szpetzle.

    Dzieki za pomysl!


  3. Looks delicious and I am going to try it for sure. Just a note though, the recipe could be a bit confusing as it calls for 2 lbs of ground beef then goes on to say to cut up the meat into cubes! Might want to clarify the cut of beef to use.

  4. We visited both Krakow and Budapest, with friends. In both cities we looked forward to trying tge local Goulash. We loved it on both occasions, one served in a small flower pot loaf (Poland) the other with gnocchi (Hungary). I’ve decided to serve this to the same friends, having brought paprika home with me, today, Christmas Eve! So glad to find an authentic traditional decide, which I’ve just put in my slow cooker. It smells delicious!! Looking forward to sharing and eating it later! Thank you!

    1. Looking forward to the details even the comment was left loong time ago I hope you still visit this website. I promise to update more often.

  5. Ula,
    Your recipe calls for tomato paste, but I do not see where it is written to use it nor how much. I cannot view the video right now, but hopefully it is in the video. Much appreciated if you could be more specific in your written recipe.

    1. Hi Linda, please use chuck roast that is well ‘marbled’ and stay away from packaged ‘stew meat’. Mean for stew should have some fat running through.

  6. Hello,

    I’m making your recipe tonight for dinner. It looks delicious. Just two questions. How much cumin and thyme do you out in? The answer is not in the directions or ingredients list. Also if I want the gravy to be very thick and not as watery how long should I cook it after adding the thickening?

    1. Hello Laura, apologies for not responding same day and now it is probably too late but let me try. For spices salt, pepper, thyme, oregano and cumin – use 1 teaspoon.
      As for thickening – add it to the stew while not on the stove (remove from heat), stir in, and bring to boil, cook for a minute or two. You should see as it thickens and then its done. Hope this helps. I’de like to hear from you how it came out.

  7. This is a delicious stew. Although the written instructions are a bit vague, the video helped fill in the missing info. I made a few tweaks:

    Sautéed the stew meat in batches using the sauté function of the instant pot. When they were all browned, I deglazed the pot with 1 cup red wine, scraping up all the nice browned bits.

    For the thickener, I made the roux of butter, flour, and paprika. I used liquid from the stew, plus a little more wine, and the added it to the IP.

    Served over egg noodles.

    1. Thank you very much Amy, this is very good feedback and I will run thru this recipe again this weekend as this is from old times and maybe needs to be updates as you are saying – it is missing info. Thanks a lot, and looking forward to hear from you.

    1. Hello, I apologize, these are very old recipes and I have to go thru them and double check.
      You add thyme with other spices/herbs and Paste when adding veggies to meat. I update recipe just now, thank you for your feedback.

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